Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Yondaime - Hokage 4 Konoha Gakure


The Fourth Hokage and also known as Konoha's "Yellow Flash" with his blonde, spikey hair. Yondaime is alluded to be the greatest ninja that Konoha has ever produced. Yondaime was a respected and popular Hokage and is also seen to have a gentle and wise spirit.
Yondaime was mentored by Jiraiya, one of the Legendary Sannin, along with the two teammates who have yet to be named. After becoming a Jounin, Yondaime became sensei for a team consisting of Kakashi, Obito, and Rin. Yondaime is feared by the opposition in battle and, during war time, ninjas are told to "flee on sight" if they're ever misfortunate enough to meet the "Yellow Flash."
Not much else is known about him, other than the fact that he saved Konoha from the Nine-Tails Fox thirteen years ago. In order to do this, Yondaime was forced to sacrifice himself using the Demonic Soul Seal technique, and he then sealed the Kyubi's soul into Naruto. It is not known how Yondaime sealed the Kyubi in Naruto, and it is also unknown how Yondaime and Naruto are connected, whether it be family or otherwise.
Not much has been seen of Yondaime in battle. The one technique that was seen, the Body Flicker Technique, consists of placing a seal or marker onto an opponent. This allows Yondaime to instantaneously move from his spot to behind his opponent, literally in a "flash." Although no one has Yondaime use it, it is also known that it took him three years to develop and perfect the Rasengan. Through the battles that we have seen though, we gather that he is an immensely powerful as he approaches incredible odds and dispatches them to the amazement of his comrades. He strikes fear into his opponents with his speed.
His strength though is matched with his desire for the village and the people in it. When he is tutoring Kakashi's team, he is gentle yet firm with them even when they disobey his orders. He attempts to reconcile differences and make peace within his team so that they will be able to act with unity and not divisiveness. And eventually he does make the ultimate sacrifice with for his village in using the technique that demands his own life. So he like his predecessor sacrifice their life for the protection of the village.

When i close my eyes

standing here at a break of dawn
watching the golden sun
slowly break out of its “trap”
i close my eyes

i close my eyes
and see images streaming in of
incidents, events, people
from the past and the present

the past just whizzes by
stopping only to remind me of
the mistakes that had happened
and those that i had once done

images from the present
slowly play themselves in a slideshow
things that happened yesterday
things that happened a minute ago

seemingly going on and on
it stops abruptly
it stops at an image
that is not part of me

a scene i had only imagined
of you and me together
under a moonlit sky
holding on to each other

in the darkness that
had engulfed me
you came in
and shone a light

no gunshots, no bloodshed
the darkness surrendered itself
to the light and
i fell in love with you

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Friday, June 5, 2009

Ryoma Echizen - Prince of Tennis


Ryoma Echizen is the son of the retired tennis player, Nanjirou Echizen. Born and raised in America, Ryoma moves to Japan and is enrolled at Seishun Academy (known as Seigaku for short). Ryoma manages to defeat two starters, Inui and Kaidou, and earned a Seigaku regular spot, even though they usually don't allow that. Like Tezuka (and some other tennis players) he's left-handed, but can also play with his right hand.

Ryoma is arrogant and can be somewhat of a pest sometimes. He usually goes out for burgers with Momo and/or Kikumaru after school. He's nicknamed O'chibi by Kikumaru because he's the smallest among the Regulars. Ryoma has no intention of becoming a tennis professional. The only reason why he's playing tennis is to beat his lecherous father, who is now ringing church bells in a temple. Ryoma also has an older female cousin, Nanako, and a cat, Karupin.

Ryoma is a singles player, but he played doubles with Momo a few times. They both developed a strategy when handling shots down the middle when playing against Gyokurin called 'A-Un'. The person in front says 'Ah' and the other says 'Un'. However, during that match it was rendered useless when the Gyokurin pair 'Double Poach'-ed them. In the end they divided the court in half with a line and played doubles solo! They used the 'A-Un' technique for the final strike.

In the Fudomine match Ryoma played 2nd singles against Shinji Ibu and won despite his eye injury thus allowing Seigaku to advance to the next round. Until then the only abilities he ever revealed was 'Twist Serve' and 'One-footed Split Step'. However, when the time for Ryoma to play against St. Rudolph's Southpaw Killer, Yuuta Fuji, he revealed Drive B. Later on he revealed Drive A and a few other techniques.

baby pig piggy


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Friends Alphabet means

Accepts you as you are 接受原本的你
Believes in "you" 相信你這個人
Calls you just to say "Hi" 打電話給你就是想說聲"嗨"
Doesn't give up on you 從不放棄對你的信心
Envisions the whole of you 預期你總是盡全力

Forgives your mistakes 原諒你的過錯
Gives unconditionally 無條件地過錯
Helps you 幫助你
Invites you over 邀請你
Jest "be" with you 靜靜地在你的身旁
Keeps you close at heart 靠近你的心

Loves you for who you are 因你原來的樣子而愛你
Makes a difference in your life 使你的生活與以往不同
Never judges 不間斷
Offers support 支持你
Picks you up 扶你一把
Quiets your fears 止息你的懼怕

Raises your spirits 鼓舞你的心靈
Says nice things about you 跟別人述說你好的那一面
Tells you the truth when you need to hear it 當需要時會告訴你實情
Understands you 懂你
Values you 看重你

Walks beside you 與你同行
X-plain things you don't understand 解你的疑惑
Yells when you won't listen aXnd 在你聽不下時會大吼一下
Zaps you back to reality 把你拉回現實

Tukang Kayu & Malaikat

Suatu hari ada seorang tukang kayu sedang menebang kayu di hutan,
dan tidak sengaja kapaknya jatuh ke jurang. Si tukang kayunya sedih
soalnya itu kapak satu-satunya walaupun sudah tua umurnya.
Pas lagi sedih-sedihnya datang seorang malaikat :

Malaikat : He..tukang kayu, kamu kenapa kog sedih sekali ?
Tukang kayu : Iya nih malaikat, saya punya kapak satu-satunya jatuh
ke jurang, gimana saya bisa nebang pohon lagi ?
Malaikat : Oh..gitu, ok kamu jangan sedih saya akan bantu ambilkan.
Kemudian Malaikat tsb turun ke bawah jurang, dan dia ingin
mengetes kejujuran si tukang kayu tersebut dengan memberikan
kapak yang lain, yang pertama dikasihkan kapak dari emas.
Malaikat : Pak ini bukan kapaknya ?
Tukang kayu : bukan...bukan, kapak saya jelek koQ.
Kemudian Malaikat tersebut kasih kapak yang kedua yang terbuat dari
Tukang kayu: bukan juga, yang punya saya sudah jelek kapaknya.
Malaikat tersebut senang karena tukang kayu ini
jujur, dan dia berkata :
Hei tukang kayu, karena kamu jujur orangnya saya akan kasih kamu
3 kapak lagi yang baru :)

Pas pulang ke rumah, si tukang kayu cerita sama istrinya.
Besoknya si tukang kayu dan istrinya ke hutan untuk melihat tempat
dia ketemu dengan Malaikat tersebut. Saking hebohnya, si istrinya
jatuh juga ke jurang, terus si tukang kayu sedih lagi.

Datang lagi malaikatnya.

Malaikat : Lho..kamu kenapa, koq sedih lagi ?
Tukang kayu : Iya nih, istri saya jatuh ke jurang, saya sedih sekali
karena dia istri satu-satunya.

Terus malaikat tsb bantu untuk turun ke jurang lagi mencari istrinya.
Malaikatnya ingin ngetes lagi si tukang kayunya,
dengan memberikan Sophia Latjuba ke tukang kayunya.

Malaikat : hei tukang kayu, ini bukan istrinya ?
Tukang kayu : (agak gugup)..hmm, iya! yah! dia Istri saya.

Karena tukang kayunya berbohong si malaikatnya sedih :(

Malaikat : (sedih)..koq kamu tidak jujur dan berbohong pada saya ?
Tukang kayu (membela diri) : Iya..soalnya kalau saya jujur, nanti
saya dikasih3 istri lagi.....
Malaikat : Oh... <(?3?)>??

Kakasih Anbu


He is also known as Copy Ninja Kakashi (Kopī Ninja no Kakashi) or Kakashi of the Sharingan (Sharingan no Kakashi). These aliases refer to the fact he copied more than a thousand jutsu (ninja techniques) using his left eye, which possesses the Sharingan, an advanced bloodline trait found only in some members of the nearly defunct Uchiha clan. The three comma-like marks aligned in a wheel in the pupil of his left Sharingan-activated eye indicate that it is fully developed for a normal Sharingan, with only one more level -- Mangekyō Sharingan. However, he is not a real Uchiha, and in fact receives the Sharingan eye from a dying Uchiha Obito, his teammate, during his first mission as a Jōnin. During that mission, Kakashi injured his left eye in a battle trying to protect Obito, leaving behind the scar (which has nothing to do with the transplant operation). The scar comes from a slash that destroyed his original eye.
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