Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cloud Strife (FF VII)

Cloud Strife (FF VII)

Cloud Strife lived his childhood in Nibelheim with one ambition flooding his mind: becoming a member of Shin-Ra's SOLDIER. When old enough, Cloud set out for Midgar to become a First Class SOLDIER. Before leaving, however, he made an important promise to Tifa: he would return to rescue her if her life was ever in peril. Cloud was accepted into First Class Soldier following the Wutai war. Cloud made an acquaintance of Sephiroth, the commander of the SOLDIERS, while under employment for Shin-Ra. An adamant bond and respect grew between the SOLDIERS over time. SOLDIER was soon assigned a task to investigate the Mako Reactor in Nibelheim, following the mysterious spawn of monsters in the town

“I know... no one lives in the slums because they want to. It's like this
train. It can't run anywhere except where its rails take it.” - Cloud

They discovered that the experiments lead by Hojo had been the source of the plague of fiends in town. Realizing Nibelheim was being annihilated around him, Cloud rushed to the Nibelheim Reactor where he found an injured Tifa, and fulfilled his earlier promise to her. There he discovered and entered the open JENOVA door to encounter Sephiroth, who was the cause of the destruction now bombarding Nibelheim, and JENOVA. Cloud attempted to stop Sephiroth, however, Cloud could not recall the outcome of that moment later on. Five years later, Cloud journeyed to Midgar to work for AVALANCE and made it his goal to, along with his determined companions, to stop Sephiroth and protect the world from his imminent wrath.

“What I have shown you is reality. What you remember, that is the illusion.” - Sephiroth
“I wasn't pursuing Sephiroth; I was being summoned by him.” - Cloud

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