Friday, June 18, 2010

play with me :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Just Do It Right Now

fear to face the future..
it’s almost dark imagination in my mind
but you know? recently after i open my mind and thinking it’s all
i can smile again..

Just Dare to Fail..
Life is not only place for winner whether loser
nor success or fail
Life is a process
it’s okey if you are fail but dont stop your steps
Just try and try again
it’s better

Dont ever think you are late. because as George Elliot said:
“It is never too late to become what you might have been.”
–George Elliot

But remember one things, like Guy Kawasaki said:
“Better to fail at doing the right thing than to succeed at doing the wrong
–Guy Kawasaki

so Just Do it right now..
Ganbatte Kudasai!!


Friday, April 9, 2010

little kakashi


Thursday, April 1, 2010



sadako miss her boyfriend

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cloud Strife (FF VII)

Cloud Strife (FF VII)

Cloud Strife lived his childhood in Nibelheim with one ambition flooding his mind: becoming a member of Shin-Ra's SOLDIER. When old enough, Cloud set out for Midgar to become a First Class SOLDIER. Before leaving, however, he made an important promise to Tifa: he would return to rescue her if her life was ever in peril. Cloud was accepted into First Class Soldier following the Wutai war. Cloud made an acquaintance of Sephiroth, the commander of the SOLDIERS, while under employment for Shin-Ra. An adamant bond and respect grew between the SOLDIERS over time. SOLDIER was soon assigned a task to investigate the Mako Reactor in Nibelheim, following the mysterious spawn of monsters in the town

“I know... no one lives in the slums because they want to. It's like this
train. It can't run anywhere except where its rails take it.” - Cloud

They discovered that the experiments lead by Hojo had been the source of the plague of fiends in town. Realizing Nibelheim was being annihilated around him, Cloud rushed to the Nibelheim Reactor where he found an injured Tifa, and fulfilled his earlier promise to her. There he discovered and entered the open JENOVA door to encounter Sephiroth, who was the cause of the destruction now bombarding Nibelheim, and JENOVA. Cloud attempted to stop Sephiroth, however, Cloud could not recall the outcome of that moment later on. Five years later, Cloud journeyed to Midgar to work for AVALANCE and made it his goal to, along with his determined companions, to stop Sephiroth and protect the world from his imminent wrath.

“What I have shown you is reality. What you remember, that is the illusion.” - Sephiroth
“I wasn't pursuing Sephiroth; I was being summoned by him.” - Cloud

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Zaraki Kenpachi (Bleach)


Kenpachi has a wild and aggressive appearance, fitting with his personality. He wears his captain's jacket without sleeves, and with a more ragged look to it—-he acquired his jacket from the previous 11th Division captain, whom he defeated and killed in a duel in order to become captain. He styles his hair into liberty spikes with bells at the tips, which, Tite Kubo has remarked, makes his hair one of the most difficult to draw in the series.He also wears a special eye patch on his right eye lined with a strange creature created by the 12th Division. It absorbs the bulk of his power. Both of these are meant to give enemies an advantage, similar to his habit of fighting one-handed, as in an unhandicapped state he would defeat them so quickly that he would not be able to enjoy himself sufficiently to delve into a state of bloodlust, that being what he treasures most. He has a huge scar on the left side of his face, apparently gained well before his time in Soul Society (and even before finding Yachiru).

Kenpachi lives for battle (evidenced by his method of attaining his rank) and enjoys a good fight more than anything. He even weakens himself in an effort to make any fight last longer. He also claims that injury and death are nothing but the price one pays for a good fight. Despite his group being the most bloodthirsty of the Gotei 13, they have their own code of ethics, different from the set rules of Soul Society, fitting with Kenpachi's portrayal as a free spirit. On various occasions, he is seen putting fun before work. Despite his violent tendencies Kenpachi will usually give up on a fight if his opponent is too injured to fight back, claiming that the fight is no longer fun. However, he will unhesitatingly kill his opponent if they refuse to end their fight on his terms as seen during his battles with Tōsen and Nnoitora.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ketika mereka berbicara........

4 PRIA dalam 1 Sel penjara,

PEMERKOSA blg, "Jika ada KUCING disini, akan kuperkosa dia!"

PEMBUNUH blg, "Setelah kau selesai dgnnya, aku akan menyiksanya sampai mati"

Si PHSYCO "OH Yeah! Setelah dia mati, kuperkosa kucing itu sampai aku mati!"

Si GAY di pojok berkata dgn sangat lembut..


Thursday, March 11, 2010

sudah jadi orang???

Alkisah ada orang gila yg mengira dirinya tuh jagung jadi dia takut banget sama ayam karena takut banget di makan. tiap kali liat ayam dia pasti lari terbirit2. akhirnya, orang gila ini dimasukin ke rumah sakit jiwa.
Setaun… dua taun.. tiga taun… akhirnya dia dipanggil oleh sang dokter.
“kamu sudah tau sekarang kamu ini siapa?” kata si dokter.
“sudah dokter,” sahut si orang gila
“jadi kamu ini siapa?”
“saya orang, dokter.”
“iya dokter, saya orang.. bukan jagung.”
“jadi kamu gak takut lagi sama ayam kan?”
“enggak dokter.. gak takut lagi..”
“tapi dokter,” sela si orang gila,” saya ada satu pertanyaan..”
“apa itu?”
“ayam2 itu….. tau gak ya kalau saya sudah berubah jadi orang?”

Monday, March 8, 2010

akatsuki group uchiha, kisame, deidara and sasori


The Akatsuki kanji means daybreak, breaking down the word itself gives us "aka" meaning red (a common color in the group) and "tsuki" meaning moon. This Organization is a collection of S-Ranked criminals. Many of these are missing-nins who fled their villages after causing death and destruction. Most members wear a forehead protector from their hidden village with a scratch through it, and all seem to wear a ring identifying their position in the organization and a black cloak with red clouds. The group itself acts as mercenaries for hire, offering their services to villages wary of taxing their own resources. When the organization members leave to travel the country they will work in groups of two collecting knowledge of new skills and jutsu. The exact origins of the group are clouded in mystery, rumors suggest it may have formed in the Water Country.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Pada suatu hari di RSJ. Sulit Waras ada dua orang gila sedang mengobrol didekat kolam renang sambil merokok.

OrGil 1 : Pren, kalo misalnya gw udah kluar dari sini, pasti istri gw bikinin kolam renang kaya gini deh..

OrGil 2 : Terserah deh apa kata lo, emang lo udah gila..

OrGil 1 : Yahhh.. kok lo ngomong gitu pren..!!

Karena kesal OrGil 1 membuang rokok ke kolam renang. Secara spontan tiba-tiba OrGil 2 marah gara-gara OrGil 1 membuang rokok ke kolam renang. Akhirnya kedua orang gak waras itu berantem adu mulut. Dokter yang dari tadi melihat kejadian itu akhirnya memisah kedua orang gila tersebut.

Dokter : Kenapa kalian pada berantem sih??..!

OrGil 2 : Abiz dia buang rokok ke kolam renang..

OrGil 1 : Emang kenapa..? Ini kan rokok2 gw..!

Rupanya orang gila yang satu ini sudah sembuh, buktinya dia sudah tau kalo buang sampah sembarangan itu gak baik, pikir Dokter dalam hati.

Dokter : Menurut kamu, kenapa kalo buang rokok sembarangan ke kolam renang gak baik..?

OrGil 2 : Iya jelas doong Dok..!! Kalo sampai terjadi kebakaran gimana..???

Dokter : !@#$%^&&*...

Teknologi Canggih

Di suatu pertemuan tingkat tinggi negara2 anggota PBB, mereka membicarakan tentang masalah kemajuan teknologi di negara masing2.

Amerika: Tim kami pada tahun ini akan mendarat di planet Mars untuk penelitian lebih detail.

Rusia: Para awak kami merencanakan untuk mengitari bulan untuk membuat satelit pemancar.

Jepang: Para ilmuwan kami merencanakan untuk membuat pesawat yang sanggup mengelilngi bumi dalam waktu 1 jam saja.

Lalu... perwakilan dari Indonesia nyeletuk..!!

Indonesia: Para ilmuwan kami malah berencana untuk mendarat di Matahari!!

Amerika: Wah... teknologi anda canggih sekali bisa menuju Matahari... pesawat kami saja jangankan mendarat, dekat2 situ saja sudah hangus!!!

Indonesia: Pakai donk otak... supaya gak gosong, perginya malam hari, terus jangan lupa bawa Sun Block!

Amerika, Rusia, Jepang: ?????????.....

Friday, February 26, 2010


Ada 3 Dracula, tinggal dalam satu rumah.
Mereka mo ngadain lomba 'Sadis-sadisan' di antara mereka.

Trus, pas malem2 Dracula 1 pergi terbang keluar dari rumah itu,
dan 15 menit kemudian dia balik lagi sambil mulutnya berdarah2.
Trus Dracula yang lain tanya ke dia,Abis ngapain lo, kok mulut loe berdarah2?'
Dracula 1 jawab,'Loe liat ngga itu binatang ternak pada bergelimpangan?'
Iya, gue liat... 'Ya, itu semua gue isep darahnya!'
'Oooooo',kata Dracula yang lain.

Sekarang Dracula 2 terbang keluar, 5 menit kemudian balik lagi
dan mulutnya juga berdarah2. Dracula yg lain tanya,'Abis ngapain lo?'
Dia*jawab,'Loe liat ngga tuh cewe2 pada bergelimpangan?' 'Iya, gue
lihat! 'Iya, gue isepin darahnya!' 'Ooooo.'

Trus, akhirnya Dracula 3 terbang deh keluar, eh 1 menit kemudian balik!
Dan juga tentunya dengan mulut yang berdarah2. Dracula yang lain
tanya,'Gila loe, cdpet banget, abis ngapain loe???'
Dracula 3 jawab,'Loe liat ngga tuh tiang?'
'Iya, gue liat!Trus?' Dracula 3,
'Iya, gue ngga liat!!!!!!!!(nabrak tiang.................)

7 Keajaiban dunia

Sekelompok pelajar kelas geografi belajar mengenai
"Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia".
Pada akhir pelajaran, pelajar tersebut di minta untuk
membuat daftar apa
yang mereka pikir merupakan "Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia"
saat ini.

Walaupun ada beberapa ketidak sesuaian, sebagian besar
daftar berisi :
1.. Piramida Besar di Mesir
2.. Taj Mahal
3.. Grand Canyon
4.. Panama Canal
5.. Candi Borobudur
6.. St. Peter's Basilica
7.. Tembok China

Ketika mengumpulkan daftar pilihan, sang guru
memperhatikan seorang
pelajar, seorang gadis yang pendiam, yang belum
mengumpulkan kertas kerjanya.
Jadi, sang guru bertanya kepadanya apakah dia
mempunyai kesulitan dengan
daftarnya. Gadis pendiam itu menjawab,"Ya, sedikit.
Saya tidak bisa memilih
karena sangat banyaknya."

Sang guru berkata, "Baik, katakan pada kami apa yang
kamu miliki, dan
mungkin kami bisa membantu memilihnya."

Gadis itu ragu sejenak, kemudian membaca, "Saya pikir
Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia
adalah :
1. Bisa bersyukur
2. Bisa merasakan
3. Bisa tertawa
4. Bisa mendengar
Dia ragu lagi sebentar, dan kemudian melanjutkan...
5. Bisa berbagi
6. Bisa mencintai
7. Dan bisa dicintai

Ruang kelas tersebut sunyi seketika....

Alangkah mudahnya bagi kita untuk melihat pada
eksploitasi manusia dan
menyebutnya "keajaiban" sementara kita lihat lagi
semua yang telah
Tuhan lakukan untuk kita, menyebutnya sebagai "biasa".

Semoga Anda hari ini diingatkan tentang segala hal
yang betul-betul ajaib
dalam kehidupan anda.
bersyukurlah untuk apa yg telah kamu dapatkan sampai
saat ini, ..
itu sesungguhnya semua merupakan suatu keajaiban.....

Friday, February 19, 2010

naruto kyubi chibi

naruto,kyubi,4 tail's

Sunday, February 14, 2010

love you until the end of time


I'm going to try to speak the words
that my heart wants you to know
I want you to see what you
mean to me and why I love you so.
Nobody else can know my thoughts
and touch my soul like you can
No one can melt my heart like
you do simply by holding my hand.
With a loving glance or a tender kiss
you make my cares disappear
Warm thoughts of you surround me
and always keep you near.
I need nothing more from you than this-
to know that you'll always be mine
And the promise of your love in my life-
until the end of time.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Orochimaru Akatsuki

Orochimaru Akatsuki

Orochimaru is a former ninja of the village of Konohagakure, and leads his own ninja village, Otogakure, in hopes of destroying his former home. During his time in Konohagakure, Orochimaru distinguished himself as one of the village's most powerful ninja; however, his desire for power led him to obtain a means for immortality by transferring between different host bodies. This desire for a host is one of his driving motivations throughout the series, resulting in his desire to acquire Sasuke Uchiha due to his powerful genetic heritage
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